Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy

Business owners work extremely hard to operate, and need protection from unexpected accidents or liabilities, which could otherwise put them out of business. Commercial general liability insurance, or CGL, has been designed to keep business assets and resources protected and secured should a claim arise. Overview Commercial General Liability (CGL) […]

Renaissance and Neoclassical Historical Arts

Renaissance is a cultural movement that started in Europe during the early 14th to 17th century or a period between the Classical and Modern era. More than its cultural essence, the Renaissance period was known for its developments in art, painting, philosophy, architecture and other intellectual aspects. It was an […]

What Makes Country Music ‘Country?’

It has been around for decades, growing back in the 1920’s with such artists as ‘Eck” Robertson and Jimmie Rodgers, but this has come far since them, in leaps and bounds and has become unrecognizable to some and unpalatable to others. It can be hard to imagine how the two […]

What Is Anthropology?

Anthropology is the study of human beings, having its origins in humanities and social science. It is a discourse on the evolution of Homo Sapiens, who were their ancestors, the variations and differences of humans, how certain groups of humans behave in the society and what is the function of […]

How Did Pop Music Start?

The term pop music is most often associated with music sold heavily in a commercial way starting around the nineteen fifties. The term, of course, means popular music. Looking at this in a broader sense it could mean music that is generally popular among the people at large as opposed […]