Ancient Greek Temple of Zeus

The ancient Greek temple dedicated to Zeus was constructed at Olympia in the sacred sanctuary of Altis. Zeus was the king of all gods in ancient Greece. He lived on Mt. Olympus and was also the god of thunder and sky. In ancient Greece, Olympics were held every 4 years […]

Vintage Wrought Iron Furniture Styles

Although used as a generic term to describe period and historical design, ‘vintage’ actually refers to the 1940s and 1950s. Vintage can be described as nostalgic, from an era that most people can remember from childhood or least their parents/grand-parents. This style is not easy to define as it was […]

Music, Arts, Theatre and More in Nairobi

Nairobi enjoys a diverse assortment of cultural activities including music and music festivals, the arts and art galleries and museums, as well as a large number of both live-performance and film theatres. As community-enrichment, sport is also considered a cultural activity in Nairobi. An assortment of ideals, conduct, artifacts, experiences […]

Using Podcasts to Promote Your Site, Pt. I

Call it the new underground radio, or perhaps the next step in future media, but “podcasting” has all but conquered the Internet. By offering Web users a new dimension in obtaining news, fringe entertainment, and music from up and coming and/or established artists, the podcast is yet another way the […]

Digital Fine Art Movement

Computer generated art is by no means new yet the digital art movement still managed to sneak up on us. It is difficult to pin point when digital fine art began because its very close relatives, graphic design, photography, animation and such, have existed for quite some time. Disciplines like […]

Interview Questions for a Recording Artist

Tips for Interviewing Famous Musicians, Singers and Recording Artists Interviewing famous recording artists, musicians and singers is a task that you can’t take lightly, so if you get the opportunity, you have to know what questions to ask to satisfy your audience. Anyone can interview people, but knowing the right […]

Organic Music

The word “organic” is used quite a bit these days. We hear it in business as organic growth and now we hear it with regard to music recording and podcasting. The term “organic” has come to refer to something that is natural, authentic, and has core value. For example, the […]