The Origin and History of Face Painting

Face painting has come a long way since human history began. It is obviously hard to pin point the origin and exactly when face and body painting started, although some claimed that the Native Americans were the ones who initiated this art. Wikipedia, however offers some insights. From ancient times, […]

The Nigerian Dance Culture

Dance refers to a styled and patterned bodily movement(s) which is usually performed to music. Dance should serve the purpose of communication or lively expression. Dance as a medium of art has been evergreen like the cedar. In various parts of the globe, dance means different things to folks. In […]

Why Teach Art?

Thinking Skills An article written by Ellen Winner and Lois Hetland for the Boston Globe in 2007 promotes creativity in learning: “There is, however, a very good reason to teach arts in schools, and it’s not the one that arts supporters tend to fall back on. In a recent study […]

Inculcation Values Through Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular values play a very significant role in inculcating different values in the students. For all-round development of personalities of the students co-curricular activities are considered to be very important now-a-days. Previously the term “extra-curricular activities” was used for outdoor activities and other cultural programmes organized in the school. But […]

Russian Culture and Traditional Dress

Russian culture is rich is style and variety, reflecting their love of education, arts and humanities. Russians prize success in almost every field of endeavor and intellectual or creative accomplishments rank equal to athletic, economic and political achievements. In a country where an estimated 4 of 10 people have university […]