There are several good and relevant traits or qualities that a senior high school student who has studied the Visual Art programme is expected to cultivate. Some of these qualities are discussed below. 1. Resourcefulness: A resourceful person is able to utilise fully the resources available in his environment in […]
Art & Visual
Distinction Between Mixed Media And Multimedia Art
There’s an essential distinction between “mixed media” artworks and “multimedia art”. Mixe media does mean a work of visual art that mixes different traditionally unique visual art media. For instance, a work on canvas that combines paint, ink, and collage could well be called a “mixed media” work and not […]
Attention Artists: You Can Make Money with Your Art with Six Sure-Fire Ways
Artists are a special breed. They march to a different drummer. Artists have been given a special gift, and that gift can be very rewarding as well as very frustrating. The rewards are self-evident. The frustration comes from how to make money from your creative efforts. The purpose of this […]
Sadequain’s Art – Influences and Inspirations
Sadequain is a great thematic painter of Pakistan. He has worked in various styles ranging from linear to ‘painterly’ ones. Since he is a thematic painter with personal and individual observations of life, he opts to depict grotesque elements from inner and outer world, to find truth and reality. In […]
Benefits of Technology in Graphic Art and Designing
How interesting it is that being a graphic designer you can give a visual aspect to your imagination. For being a good designer, artists need to have good knowledge of visual arts, text font and types, colors, objects, theme of the design, etc. And when the technology is doing well […]
Aniekan Udofia – You Think You Know, But You Don’t
Stand in any metropolitan corridor and ask the art scene denizens there what they know about Aniekan Udofia. Some might list the 33-year-old among the most talented visual artists of his generation, with national attention on his work in hip hop magazines such as XXL, Vibe and The Source. And […]
Things To Know When Selecting An Online Casino
Online casinos are nothing but the online version of the conventional casinos. The popularity of online casinos is increasing tremendously in recent times. Online casinos enable the gamblers to play their favorite casinos games from the confines of their home. If your a casino enthusiast and want to play online […]
Top 10 Art Galleries of the World
Art galleries are ideal platform for displaying visual arts, be it painting, sculpture, or photography. Art galleries are a collected culmination of endurance, time, effort, and tastes of many generations, in order to depict the diverse arts and cultures of various ages. Therefore, be it contemporary or traditional Fine Arts, […]
About Paul Cezanne and “Fruit and Jug on a Table”
Paul Cezanne was born in France, in the mid-1800, and is considered, the father of all contemporary fellow artists, of his time. That name sake and the many accolades, which were presented to this post-impressionist painter, came not from the critics and the general public, but from Picasso and Matisse, […]
Cupid Chastised by Bartolomeo Manfredi: Homo-Erotic Art
In the Galleries of the Art Institute of Chicago hangs an amazing painting by the 16th Century Italian, Baroque artist Bartolomeo Manfredi. The name of the piece is “Cupid Chastised”. This painting depicts Mars (the god of war) striking Cupid with a whip while Venus (the goddess of love) crouched […]