Over 1,000 Urge Canadian Art Institutions to End Collaboration With Israel-funded Cultural Activities

This week, over 1,000 Canadian cultural workers and artists signed an open letter in solidarity with Palestinians living under occupation, urging “Canadian art organizations and institutions to end any form of collaboration with Israeli state-financed and sponsored art and cultural activities with Israel.”

Written in French and English, the missive comes as a response to recent weeks of escalating violence in the region and debates in Canada over local media coverage of the events. Over 250 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces; Israel says the attacks were a response to rockets launched by Hamas, which killed at least a dozen people. The latest bloodshed marks the deadliest attack in the occupied territories since 2014. In response, thousands flooded the streets of Canadian cities to demonstrate their support for Palestinians, urging the Canadian government to impose military and economic sanctions on Israel. Meanwhile, journalists and cultural workers have amplified their demands for nuanced coverage from the nation’s news organizations.

Earlier this month, over 2,000 signed an “open letter to Canadian newsrooms on covering Israel-Palestine,” beseeching more “fair and balanced coverage” on the occupation. After signing the document, two journalists from the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC), the country’s national broadcaster, were barred from covering the Israel-Palestine conflict. A CBC spokesperson told VICE World News that the organization’s decision was to assure “editorial distance between signatories (of the letter) and our daily coverage for the near future.”

But opposition to the Canadian media’s approach to the conflict has been ongoing for many years. In 2017, legal scholar Azeezah Kanji wrote an opinion article in the Toronto Star following former US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, condemning the mainstream Canadian media’s failure to properly contextualize Israeli occupation in its coverage.

In today’s open letter, artists and cultural workers likewise call upon the Canadian media to reform its coverage, saying: “It is time to end the decades of suppression of the Palestinian narrative by the Canadian media and political interest groups.”

Read the full statement in English and French below.

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We, the undersigned Canadian artists and cultural workers, support the Palestinian people in their seven decades of struggle for freedom, liberation, and the Palestinian refugees’ right of return. We call upon the Canadian government to impose military and economic sanctions on Israel and end its complicity in the oppression of Palestinians.

We are deeply shocked by the recent developments on the ground in Palestine/Israel — the fourth bombardment since 2009 in Gaza. The death toll of 260 lives, including 62 children, and the random destruction of residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and infrastructure, constitute war crimes. Enough is enough. The two million Palestinians in Gaza, over 70% of whom are refugees, forcibly expelled from their homes during the establishment of the state of Israel, have also suffered a brutal land, air, and sea blockade imposed by Israel since 2007. Since 2018, people in Gaza have held weekly marches in the Israeli military buffer zone, insisting and demanding to fulfill their right to return to their villages across the dividing border.

In the West Bank, Israel continues its illegal military occupation, dispossession, and displacement of Palestinians, manifested in the forceful expulsion of Palestinians from their homes, the demolition of thousands of homes, the seizure of land, and the building of illegal Israeli-Jewish settlement colonies, and Israeli-only roads. The military occupation system has also fragmented the Palestinian community with 700 kilometers of a 9-meter high concrete wall and hundreds of military checkpoints, controlling the Palestinians’ movements, social and cultural connectivity, and economic activities. In addition, thousands of Palestinians have been incarcerated in Israeli prisons, and the occupation forces terrorize civilians with regular night raids. In Israel, the current violence carried out by Israeli police and Israeli Jewish citizens against the Palestinian citizens of Israel, including lynching, shooting, attacking, arresting, and marking homes of Palestinians, reveals decades of systemic discrimination against indigenous Palestinians.

Let us name it for what it is: apartheid and settler colonialism with the aim of ethnic cleansing.

Silence in times of injustice is tantamount with complicity with the oppressor. The latest reports by Human Rights Watch and the Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem, clearly demonstrate with rigorous research that Israel is committing war crimes.

We support the international Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli companies and organizations and the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and call upon Canadian art organizations and institutions to end any form of collaboration with Israeli state-financed and sponsored art and cultural activities with Israel. We declared our support for the historic South African fight against apartheid – the same should apply to Palestine’s struggle against the Israeli apartheid state.

It is time to end the decades of suppression of the Palestinian narrative by the Canadian media and political interest groups. We are moved to speak out against the ongoing violence and destruction of the Palestinian people’s homes, their natural environment, farmlands, and resources. We are furthermore determined to work towards the end of the dehumanization of the Palestinian people as a result of decades of support that has been given to the settler-colonial state of Israel.

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Déclaration des artistes et travailleur·euse·s culturel·le·s canadien·ne·s en soutien à la lutte du peuple palestinien contre l’occupation militaire, le siège, la colonisation et l’apartheid

Nous, les artistes et travailleur·euse·s culturel·le·s canadien·ne·s soussigné·e·s, soutenons le peuple palestinien dans ses sept décennies de lutte pour la liberté, la libération et le droit de retour des réfugié·e·s palestinien·ne·s. Nous demandons au gouvernement canadien d’imposer des sanctions militaires et économiques à Israël et de mettre fin à sa complicité dans l’oppression des Palestinien·ne·s.

Nous sommes profondément choqué·e·s par les récents développements sur le terrain en Palestine/Israël – le quatrième bombardement depuis 2009 à Gaza. Le bilan de 260 morts, dont 62 enfants, et la destruction aléatoire de bâtiments résidentiels, d’hôpitaux, d’écoles et d’infrastructures constituent des crimes de guerre. Trop, c’est trop. Les deux millions de Palestinien·ne·s de Gaza, dont plus de 70 % sont des réfugié·e·s, expulsé·e·s de force de leurs foyers lors de la création de l’État d’Israël, subissent également un violent blocus terrestre, aérien et maritime imposé par Israël depuis 2007.  Depuis 2018, les habitant·e·s de Gaza organisent des marches hebdomadaires dans la zone tampon militaire israélienne en exigeant de pouvoir réaliser leur droit au retour dans leurs villages, de l’autre côté de la frontière.

En Cisjordanie, Israël poursuit son occupation militaire illégale, la dépossession et le déplacement des Palestinien·ne·s, qui se manifestent par l’expulsion forcée des Palestinien·ne·s, la démolition de milliers de maisons, la saisie de terres, et la construction de colonies de peuplement illégales israélo-juives ainsi que de routes réservées aux Israélien·ne·s. Le système d’occupation militaire a également fragmenté la communauté palestinienne avec 700 kilomètres de mur en béton de 9 mètres de haut et des centaines de points de contrôle militaires, limitant les mouvements des Palestinien·ne·s, leurs liens sociaux et culturels, ainsi que leurs activités économiques. En outre, des milliers de Palestinien·ne·s ont été incarcéré·e·s dans les prisons israéliennes et les forces d’occupation terrorisent les civil·e·s par des raids nocturnes réguliers. En Israël, la violence actuelle exercée par la police israélienne et les citoyen·ne·s juif·ve·s israélien·ne·s contre les citoyen·ne·s palestinien·ne·s d’Israël, y compris le lynchage, les tirs, les attaques, les arrestations et le marquage des maisons des Palestinien·ne·s, révèle des décennies de discrimination systémique contre les Palestinien·ne·s autochtones.

Nous devons appeler cela pour ce que c’est : l’apartheid et le colonialisme de peuplement dans le but d’un nettoyage ethnique.

Le silence en période d’injustice équivaut à une complicité avec l’oppresseur. Les derniers rapports de Human Rights Watch et de l’organisation israélienne de défense des droits de la personne, B’Tselem, démontrent clairement, grâce à des recherches rigoureuses, qu’Israël commet des crimes de guerre.

Nous soutenons le mouvement international de boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions (BDS) contre les entreprises et organisations israéliennes, ainsi que la Campagne palestinienne pour le boycott académique et culturel d’Israël (PACBI), et nous demandons aux organisations et institutions artistiques canadiennes de mettre fin à toute forme de collaboration avec les activités artistiques et culturelles financées et parrainées par l’État israélien. Nous avons déclaré notre soutien à la lutte historique de l’Afrique du Sud contre l’apartheid – il devrait en être de même pour la lutte de la Palestine contre l’État d’apartheid israélien.

Il est temps de mettre fin aux décennies de suppression du récit palestinien par les médias canadiens et les groupes d’intérêts politiques. Nous sommes déterminé·e·s à dénoncer la violence et la destruction continues des maisons du peuple palestinien, de son environnement naturel, de ses terres agricoles et de ses ressources. Nous sommes en outre déterminé·e·s à œuvrer dans le but de mettre fin à la déshumanisation du peuple palestinien, résultat de décennies de soutien à l’État colonial d’Israël.


Jamelie Hassan

Jayce Salloum

Rehab Nazzal

Haema Sivanesan

Larry Towell

Freda Guttman

Jen Budney

Dania Majid

Jesse McKee

Brian McBay

Michelle Fu

Sungpil Yoon

Madison Mayhew

Richard Fung

Christina Battle

Ali Kazimi

Wanda Nanibush

Ron Benner

Nadia Kurd

Randa Farah

Rana Hamadeh

Stefan St. Laurent

Anna Khimasia

Faten Toubasi

Julieta Maria

Jason St. Laurent

Marina Fathala

Yuula Benivolski


Sherena Razak

Tam-Ca Vo-Van

Zinnia Naqvi

Hiba Abdallah

Sameer Farooq

Asad Raza

Rowan Lynch

Sameen Mahboubi

Philip Leonard Ocampo

Benjamin de Boer

Alize Zorlutuna

Geneviève Wallen

Blake Fitzpatrick

Michelle Wilson

Razan AlSalah

Rebecca Garrett

Ayumi Goto

Julian Samuel

Carmen Aguirre

Irwin Oostindie

John Greyson

Carole Condé

Karl Beveridge

221A Artist Run Centre Society, Vancouver/Unceded Territories

Vicky Moufawad-Paul

Karrine Ng

Liam Patterson-Morris

Paul Falardeau

Preet Lidder

Chloe McKnight

David Khang

Pamela Dodd

Mike Hoolboom

Tao Fei

Nicole Kelly Westman

Scott Miller Berry (Toronto)

oualie frost (Calgary)

Alana Bartol (Calgary)

Michelle Campos Castillo (Edmonton)

April Dean (Edmonton)

Tao Fei (Vancouver)

Joni Cheung (Montreal)

Riaz Mehmood (Edmonton)

Grace Law (Edmonton)

David Widgington

Amy Miller, Writer, director, producer Wide Open Exposure Productions

John O’Brian

Dina Alkassim

Ellyn Walker

Rah Eleh

Kathy Wazana

Rita Wong

Norma Papalotl

Robert lee

Kablusiak Carpenter

Samuel La France

Kablusiak Carpenter

Cris Derksen

Tobaron Waxman

Oona Mosna

Xenia Benivolski

Mani Mazinani

Sean O’Neill

Tetyana Herych

Zainab Amadahy

Jeremy Saya

Sheena Hoszko

Catherine Quinn

Tamira Sawatzky

Elle Flanders

Ben Donoghue

Luis Jacob

Edwin Janzen

Leanne L’Hirondelle

Yaniya Lee


Dot Tuer

Manolo Lugo

Sarah Bassnett

Andrea Fatona

Sharon Sliwinski

Benjamin J. Allard

Ala Roushan

Burcu Emeç

Althea Balmes

Wanda vanderStoop

Chris Gehman

Katrina Orlowski

Amber Berson

David Widgington

Manuel Piña B

Dan Pon

Min Sook Lee

Deanna Bowen

Mercedes Webb

Alex Apostolidis

Océane Buxton

Tammer El-Sheikh

Marissa Sean Cruz

Michael DeForge

Natalia de Arcos

Greg Wadden

Leila Almawy

Randa Abdelkarim

Haneen Mansour

Gil Goletski

Amanda Boulos

Sara moustafa

B Brookbank

Jonathan Dyck

Pierre Richardson

Shuyler Jansen

Ryan Dodgson

Mohamed Dawood

Faten Toubasi

Paul Lozano

Lex Burgoyne

Justin Aranha

Megan Franklyne

Jason Pearson

Christin El-kholy

Russell Alton

Jack Conroy

Kirk Philipps

Katie Lee

Sid Sharp

Jennifer Lorraine Fraser

Salim Douba

Michael Schreier

Nadine Mosallam

Suzanne Ragheb

Rabeea Syed

Amy Lam

Abdi Osman

Ghadi AlGhoul

Christin El-kholy

Rinaldo Walcott

M.W. Jaeggle

Marie-Pascale Lafrenière

Ian Kamau

Much Rabelo

Sara Lopez Assu

Alyssa Bistonath

Amanda Boulos

Emilia Morgan

Jude Abu Zaineh


Monica Attanasio

Kaytlyn Nadjiwon

Lamis Haggag

Manar Abo Touk

sara eurokar


Jaser Alagha

Meryem Altundal

Huthaifa Salman

Hafsa Ahmed

Kristina Corre

Farah Ahmed


Saad Al-Hakkak

Sonia Zafar

Jesse Cumming

Mel bauer

Fadila Ebrahim

Nadia Elhadi

Rahat Saini

Vienna  Lstadt

Claudia Vergara

Noor Khan


Erika DeFreitas

Katrina Shirley

Amina Anjum

Ian Reynolds

Andi Vicente

Ashna Ali

Nadia Gohar

Deann Louise C. Nardo

Fatin chowdhury

Judy Rebick

Nicole Sudiacal

Yurald Ouschbaghs

Nina Bruer

Sonia Zafar

Sabrina Scott

Thu Anh Nguyen

Fatima Aijaz


Nadine Hajjaj

Alia Rasul

Lana Kouchnir

Sarah May Taylor

Patricia Staples

Qais Pasha

Lara jundi

Shuheda Uddin

Syeda Saba

Kami Kaler

Nadien Nasser

Farah Rawashdeh

Meera Sethi

Griffin Epstein

Evleen Zeidan

Jimmy Weaver

Farshad Engineer

Jose Palacios

Jihane Theocharides

Alia Hijaab

Mailyne B.


Jae Lew

Sanjit Dhillon

James Spencer

Amera Abunada

Ahlam Hassan


Brian Mainprize

Corinne Blouin

Mariam Elghamudi

Rory Lewis

Workers of Ottawa Arts & Culture

Vince Rozario

Maheen Aqeel

Fatimah Shahid

Ibrahim Abusitta

Karima Jibril

Amanda Priebe

Maryam Hamdouna

Tejas Panchal

Anna Khimasia

Phu Bui

Rajah Al Sur

Aida Alves

Ignazio Nicastro

Leila Fatemi


May Najm


Nicholas Bierk

Hamed Hames

Benyamin Rumi

Laura Pettifer

Telisa Roessaptono

Chanelle Lalonde

Sylvie Lapierre

Maya Sakai

Sukaina Kubba

Brittany Shepherd

Mariam Rahman

Lea Hamilton

Sam Anis

bryan depuy

Vida Beyer

Nik Clydesdale

Chris Andrews

Emily Putnam

Darby Milbrath

Allison Burda

Jaclyn Legge

Sarah Adly

Vaughan Cooke

Ryan Josey

Gillian Fazari

Blair Swann

Nariman Ansari

Mariam Zaidi

Rebecca Casalino

Oona Mosna

Brian St. Denis

Derek Jenkins

Hend Mohamed Wahdan

Alican Koc

Shannon Garden-Smith

Vicki A. Lee

Dan Cardinal McCartney

Marisa Gallemit

Polina Teif

Mike Goldby

Alexia Kokozaki

Shellie Zhang

Kyo Maclear

Freda Guttman

Tobaron Waxman

Mars Zaslavsky

Maegan Broadhurst

Jihada Mneimne

Abigail Holt

Veronika Ivanova

Khosro Berahmandi

Laurie kang

Nicole Burisch

Tammer El-Sheikh

Andrea Stokes


Erica Violet Lee

Sharlene Bamboat

Bill Newton

Kami Chisholm

Elizabeth Johnson

Moeen Abuzaid

Bethany Gibson

Aman Sandhu

Louis Fermor

Maggie Flynn

Josée Pedneault

Lina Jabra

Basil AlZeri


Iman Korenic

Mathew Tommy


Gabi Dao

Susan Blight

Liam Lynch

Justin Seiji Waddell

Cadence Planthara

Jayne Wilkinson

Janne Cleveland

Alicia Chung


Mohammad Rezaei

Aliya Pabani

Shaheer Zazai

Celia Perrin Sidarous

Danielle Peers

Efrim Manuel Menuck

Samiya Ali

Joulio R.

Mercedes Ventura

Hue Nguyen

Siobhan Locke

Nickolas Collinet

Juliane Foronda

Khosro Berahmandi

Theo Pelmus

Steph Hachey

Hsain Al

Magdalyn Asimakis

Binish Ahmed

Yahn Nemirovsky

Mackenzie Bedford

Tarin Dehod

Coleman Ney

Clare Yow

andi icaza-largaespada

Rylie McGuire

Aaron Vidaver

Natalie King

Tina Zafreen Alam

Darakhshan Eqbal

Stephen Appleby-Barr

Rima AlSalah

Scott Rogers

Elizabeth Rossouw

Laura McCoy

Sam Shahsahabi

Cara Tierneh

Aqsa Sardar

Lynette Richards

Amy Siegel

Robert Anthony O’Halloran

Marc Andre Mahood


Natasha Daviau

Laura Wythe

Nahed Mansour

Steven Lourenço

tahsine hassane

Tara Bursey

Colin MacWhirter

Ameer Idreis

Paula Thiessen

Stefan Spirodon Christoff

Abedar Kamgari

Dominique Sirois

SD Smith

Alexis Kyle Mitchell

El Achek Maïmouna

Alison Postma

Kim Jackson

Jessica Arseneau

Stanley Wany

Pamela Arancibia

Sarah Amarica

Emme Brettle

Abby McGuane

Bri Vermeer

Ahmed Hegazy

Nadia Moss

Brett Bonk

Hajer Mirwali

sophia batholomew

Robin Alex McDonald

Alice Schoenberg

Elyse Bouvier

Su Ying Strang

Michael Melanson

Magnus Tiesenhausen

Alana Traficante

Elsa Delage

Jayne Wilkinson

Ashfa Aqeel

Kate Barry

Camron Olyphaunt Wozniak

Scotty Alveberg

Audrey Bilodeau Fontaine

Josema Zamorano

Akbar Khatir

Hannah Azar Strauss

Barbora Racevičiūtė

Alma Visscher

Katharine Stein

Squirty McBoogerballs

Brit Bachmann

Anna Shah Hoque

Idil Djafer

Sasha Lavoie

Razan Samara


Jane Harms

Christopher Sumpton

Cole Howard

Sama Al-Zanoon

Sahar Ashraf

Theresa Gerrow

Jessica Morais

Jamie Ross

jeremy lynch

Francisco-Fernando Granados

Chris Frazer

Aysha White

Jacob karaoghlanian

Petrina Ng

Olena Decock

Gabriel Moreau

Jel Stankovic

maya rae oppenheimer

Riley Bataillard

Robin Simpson

Eréndira Bravo

Fan Wu

Marnie Fleming


Scot Keefer

S. Gallagher

Viki Bristowe

Elise Boudreau Graham

Syeda Alizay Fatima

Alyson Hardwick

Diyar Mayil

Shreya Kumar

mateya taylor

Marilyn Carnier

Diyar Mayil

Reem Abdel-Jabbar

Patrick Kyle

Aaditya Aggarwal

Eve Tagny

Elizabeth Mudenyo

Alvin Luong

Golboo Amani


Jana Omar Elkhatib

Elias Ayoub

Morris Fox

Megan Moore

Tommy Keith

Amanda Hadi

Posy Legge

evelyn charlotte joe

Saba Akhtar

Magdalyn Asimakis

Paz Jurado

Alanna Thurgood

Camille-Mary Sharp

Marc Francis

Lana Shaheen

Joan Lyon

Randy Gledhill

Alia Toor

Caroline Chan

Dawit L. Petros

Ayan Tani

Michelle Linthorne

Dana Prieto

Sarah Vezina

Rachel Barclay

Natalie King

Reza Nik

Kristie MacDonald

Kevin Millsip

Diana Lynn VanderMeulen

Antonio Rodas

Sarah Fowler

Dana El Masri

Theresa Wang

Oliver Fugler

Roxanne Fernandes


Kat Benedict

Tarek Mokhalalati

Rachel Kalpana James

Indu Vashist

Kristine St-Pierre

Rachel Butler

Jessica Palmer

Haley Mlotek

Meghan McKnight

Darren M. Robinson

Tammer El-Sheikh

Nic Wilson

Anik Glaude

Adi Berardini

Kristine St-Pierre

Loren Wang

Anita Robles

Alice Reiter

Karina Roman Justo

Claudia Rick

Sky Goodden

Chris Lloyd

Dot Tuer

Sophie Sabet

Ray Punter


Ahllam Mohamad

Jessica Porter

Bryana de Vries

James King

Dawson Franks

Zahra Komeylian

Nedda Baba

Jasmine Reimer

April Aliermo

Mahnaaz Fatima

Faran Moradi

Erin Gee

Kathleen thomas

Zachary Finkelstein

Rahma Shere

Mattieau St.Cyr

Jenny Lee

Dylan Ramsey

Eve Tagny

Manel Benchabane

Adrian Bobb

Jaleh Mansoor

Marzieh M. Miri

Jennifer Awad

Natalie Fasheh

Aishah Vakily

Jennifer Bertrand

Zahrah Malak

Maegan Broadhurst

Lou Allexxis Amores

Maria Sylvia

Maria Tahir

Jade Armstrong

Yasmeen Nematt Alla

Sheila Sampath

Sarrah ghadeer malek

Banaan Al-Nasser

Alex Jacobs-Blum

ibraheem youssef

Pascha Marrow

Jennifer Smith

Sara Darwish

Ashley Watson

Michelle Soulliere

Ruth Douthwright

Florencia Sosa Rey

Agustina Rabsiun

Kimberley Eady

Kenda Al Yakobi

Amanda LW

Diyar Mayil

Alana Fediurek

Sofia Alarcon

Natasha Whyte-Gray

Paul Lofeodo

Stephen Attong

Adrienne Row – Smith

Hannah Doucet

Megan Ellen MacDonald

nasim asgari

Guillaume Adjutor Provost

Melody McKiver

Lital Khaikin

Megan Gnanasihamany

Shaista Latif

Allyson Adley

Nomi Juhasz

Fanny Migneault-Lecavalier

Golboo Amani

Jennifer Laflamme

Eva Crocker

Jessica Karuhanga

Valentin Brown

Patricia Boushel

Zunaid Khan

Riv miller

Jaskaran Kaur Gill

Sonali Menezes

Mina Akida

Helina Gebremedhen

tahsine hassane

Dave Kemp

Max Lester

Hannah Bullock

Edwin Isford

Chloë MacLeod-Boucher

Simon Belleau

Md Bhoiyan

Dave Kemp

Marshall Hryciuk

Benjamin Abu-Halaga

Jasmin Mozaffari

Svetla Turnin

Riley O’Donnell

Makaydin Jackson

Maryan Haye

Julie Agro

Kinga Michalska

Bhavika Sharma

Raia Bryan

Michelle Cieloszczyk

Emily Fitzpatrick

Michelle Ashurov

Jessica Slipp

Renata Mohamed

Erica Love-Jones

Emily DiCarlo

Siram Tortumlu

eva birhanu

Martina Lantin

Esra Tortumlu

Tobin Gibson

Samira Thomas

Nadia Kuzmicz

Shamina Chherawala

Rachel Gordon

Lauren Crazybull

Leia Warren

Asma Lina Kherrat

Dusty Lee Norsworthy

Stephen Jackman-Torkoff

Amal Rana

Logan MacDonald

Timaj Garad

Mahban Ghadakpour

Janae Roomes

Petrija Dos Santos

Morris Fox

Orvis Starkweather

Shannon Linde

Kat Benedict

Julia Dickens

Iqra Abid

Lou Gien

Kaitlyn Purcell

Rita Abdul-Malak

Talia Golland

Riri Tariq

Natasha Pestich

Hanss Lujan Torres

Khaula Mazhar

Jordan Cantwell

Jasmine Hawamdeh

T. M. Mamos

Ali Badshah

Chelsea Yuill

flora hammond

Nawang T. Kinkar

Alessandra Abballe

Dominique Wakeland

Aerin Fogel

Chloé Gagné Dion

Sarah Anne Murphy

Najette Omran

Kylie Hoydalo

Alyssa Goodman

Jacqui Arntfield

Maddy Mathews

Sona Safaei-Sooreh

Emilee Nimetz

Madelaine Russo

Ashley Obscura

Zoe Maeve

Anah Shabbar

Rula Jurdi

michelle liu

Scott Bevins

Kelsey Myler

Mitchell Chalifoux

Anna Taylor

Arthi C.

Dhakira Collective

Hilarey Cowan

Racquel Belmonte

Peggy Gale

Lesya Maria Nakoneczny

Mashalk Khan

Michael Eddy

Mona Filip

Erin Purghart

Jessica Bernard

Sanaz Mazinani

Holly Pickering

Alberta Rose Williams

Alex E


Kiri Rix

Camila Salcedo

Mona Ali

Marcelle Rusu

Sanaa Humayun

Sandy Saad-Smith

Missy LeBlanc

Salma Geissah

Tara Hakim

Sylvia Nowak

Tamlin Vetter


Kiona Callihoo Ligtvoet

Cortney Cassidy

Ariel Yang

Jodi Hildebrand

Max Elwood

Omar Elkhatib

Lucy Pauker

Sarah Ferguson

Vincent Giard

Jordan Zanni

Elise Hyrak

Megan Kyak-Monteith

Nick Clark

Spencer Thompson

Laura Rojas

Erin Riehl

Deirdre Morrison

Michaela Volpe

Naimah Amin

Max Suillerot

Sara Constant

d hansen

Brianna Fitzgerald

Mason Nazar Rezazadeh

Saint Tawfik

Andrew Zealley

Holly Fedida

Laura Demers

Adrienne Crossman

Cat Hart

Diyar Mayil

Ryan Ferko

Diyar Mayil

Daisy Thompson

Robert Dayton

jaqs gallos aquines

Emilio Portal


Dina edghim

Naatiya Prakash

Alex Apostolidis

Jad Hammoud

Emma Brack

Ella E

Matthew Volpe

Aaron Jones

Karice Mitchell

Jon McCurley

Jasmine Cardenas

Joy Xiang

Linnea Perry

Sajida Chagpar

Kelly Lui

Gabriel Esteban Molina

Natalie Wee

Tamara Alissa

Jessica Rattray

Stephanie Larocque

Cameron Thorpe

Katrina Robinson

a rossi

Anna Campbell


Melissa Kearney

Mirka Loiselle

Sumaira Kasimuddin

Teyama Alkamli

Jessica Fern Facette

Samuel Graveline

Rebecca Ladida

Oliver Pauk

Sayem Yar Khan

Ayah Yousef

Dania Sabri

Dominic Pinney

Elorm Agbeyaka

Laura Porter

Tricia Middleton

Michelle Paterok

Amery Sandford

Jacqueline Huskisson

Sarah McIntosh

Sarah Teixeira

Ruba Kassem

Deema Kasem

Iso Setel

Teresa Dorey

Anum naseem

Tabban Soleimani

Kate Monro

Marta Cikojevic

Nadja Pelkey


Brandon Giessmann

Maryam Monadi

UNIT/PITT Society for Art and Critical Awareness

Dallas Fellini

MW Preston

Sarah Gibbons

Christie MacNeil

Jana Ghalayini

Suezan Aikins

Chloë Lalonde

Michaëlle Sergile

Brittany Gergel

Hannah Guinan

The Khyber Centre for the Arts

Narisa Ladak

Liz Xu

Madison Sterling

Amélia Simard

Howard Dai

Brandon Celi

Robin McDonald

Anum naseem

Nadia Akbarali

Vanda Daftari

jeremy laing

Meg Harder

Nicole Krstin

Jeremy Costello

Ashley McKenzie-Barnes

Maya Bastian

Jordyn Wood

Barbara Reimer

Haylee Turner

Julie Moon

Basent Nagib

aly de la cruz yip

Sara Constant

Lux Habrich

Maddie Lychek

Hunter Arsenault

AJA Louden

Huda Salha

Sarah Amarica


Amelia Izmanki

Emma McKenna

Gabriel Gutierrez

Jennifer Cane

Nila Rajagopal

Imogen Wasse

Vivi Pham

Rebecca Whitford

Amanda Acorn

Alison Feuerwerker

Yamen Mouhanna

Faryal Diwan

Chandra Melting Tallow

Hailey Guzik

Breanne Bradshaw

Leila Sidi

Sofie Milito

Naomi McCarroll-Butler

Colin Courtney

Ifrah Akram

HaYung Kim

Sarah Galarneau

Claudette Lauzon

Lindsey Bond

Lee Su-Feh

Éli Del

Aryana Shahki

Stephan Wright

Bahar Mohazabnia

Jenni Stablein

Marcelle Kosman

Megan Morrison

melannie monoceros

Jorge Amigo

Monica Ogden

Jonah Gray

Rebecca Brewer

Carly Pokoradi

Natalia Lebedinskaia

Zosia Cassie

Becka Barker

Sheila Sampath

Vincent Bonin

Rosa Aiello

Serene Husni


India Gailey

Andrew Smith

Maeve Hanna

Lauryn Youden

Sophia Borowska

Gillian King

Aimée Mitchell

Elliott Elliott

Derrick Carl Biso

Monica Lowe

Jac Renée Bruneau

Chris Worden

Alissa Chater

Janet Morton

Scott Fraser

Patrick Mahon

Vannessa Barnier

Mark Clintberg

Nicole Halim

River Radcliffe

Olivia Golosky

Tanya Busse

Justine Skahan

Sara Angelucci

Lauren Fournier

Isis Paola Giraldo

Amélie Brindamour

Cameron Lee

Julia Martin

Nada Bakraky

Ksenia Kil

Rhéanne Chartrand

Alex Nierenhausen

Roberto Cortez

Ris V. Rose (Karisa Bili)

Abbey Lee Hallett

Kate Henderson

Ngardy Conteh George

Katherine Connell

Roohi Kailey

Megan Morrison

Belinda Corpuz

amy leigh

Taylor Furey

Eve Middleton-Meyer

laurie kang

Simon Grefiel

Ryan Conrad

Colectiva Abya Yala Toronto

Nerjis Hassan

Micaela Muldoon

Steff Juniper

Morgan Wedderspoon

Stacey MacNevin

Adrienne Huard

Diane Wong

Lorraine Gilbert

Brooke Mulberry

Veronica Spiljak

David Gibel

Reiko Pleau

Leiah Engel

Ciragh Lyons

Laura U. Marks

Angela Clarkson

Audie murray

Enna Kim

Dan Kwon

April White

Kiera Boult

Seraphine Lewis

Brady Cranfield

Brigitte Plouffe

Celia Green

Levin Ifko

Namrata Tilokani

Noor Ale

zahra agjee

Ashna Jacob

The Truth & Dare Project

Katrina Caruso

Jenny Lin

Mahlet Cuff

Mahshid Rafiei

Melanie Colosimo

Maria Mediratta


Huda Kafi

Ana Barajas

Cinzia Campolese

Genne Speers

Brittney Appleby

amanda wan

Elissar Hanna

sean procyk

Taha Qureshi

Jasmine Hawamdeh

Mel Paget

M. Colin Jones

Q Lawrence

Dana Qaddah

Koi Katigbak

Ada Dragomir

Chimedum Ohaegbu

Kristijonas Voveris

Dahae Song

Kaia Barth-Lessard

Katie Cameron

Lauren Mercer-Smail

Gabriella Nassief Borg

Kris Alvarez

Fabiola Carranza


Danielle St Amour

Jacqueline Morrisseau-Addison

Sappfyre Mcleod

Michelle Mama

Quinn O’Connor

Liz Ikiriko

Marie Sotto

Steven Lourenço

Karen Zalamea

Jesse Blanchard

Tiziana La Melia

Ayesh Kanani

Sheri Osden Nault

Kellen Jackson

Alysha Seriani

Deanna Dueck

Jonathan Kennedy

Jude Elrayes

Megan Quigley

Rusaba Alam

Bo yeung

Judy Radul

Lauren Allen

Abigail Morales

Robert Anthony O’Halloran

Mahmoud El safadi

Kagiso Lesego Molope

Bahar Noorizadeh

Nadia Gohar

Umme Mansoory

Kat Estacio

Marie-Charlotte Castonguay-Harvey

Claudia Mesteru

Claudia Parent

Luke Pardy

Michael Toppings

Firas Nassri

Jon Claytor

Kirsty Robertson

Capp Larsen

Cayley James

Lily Corne Klein

Nur Kamal

Ingrid Mayrhofer

Imogen Clendinning

Samantha Hamelin

Lauren Allen

Bettina Pérez Martínez

Lauren Strybos

Julie Tucker

And Also Too

Sara Angelucci

Michelle Panting

Rekha Pavanantharajah

Bilal nasser

Meaghan Sweeney

Karen Faye

Chief Lady Bird

Olia Amish he no

Patrick Mahon

Jada-Gabrielle Pape

Julia Piccolo

Mars Ramlogan

Whitney Brennan

Sydney Hermant

Cole Nowicki

Jay Castro

Ioana Dragomir

Emily Taylor

Jac Renée Bruneau

Erin StJohn

Greg Williams

Kathy Slade

Tamer gargour

Sena Cleave

pamela Plumb

Marwan Hassan

Vanessa T

Ruilan King

Jessie Amery

Alyson Mc Sween

Leyla Sutherland

Peter Gazendam

asmaa al-issa

Rotem Anna Diamant

Geoff Doner

Janice Andreae

Kimberly Edgar

Auramyss Riedel

Nuzhat Abbas

b wijshijer


Cindy Fan

Julia Hutt

Marilyne Parent

Jean Grunewald

Julie René de Cotret

Emma Hendrix

Stacey Hare Hodgins

Mary Pepper

Sarah sheridan

Austin Henderson

May Tartoussy

Basel Daoud

Shafia Shaikh

Buke Erkoc

Shatha Al-Husseini

Jeff Thomas

Mira Salti

Saelan Twerdy

Alicia Bojkov

Olivia Mossuto

Scott Markle

Erum Khan

Taranjot Bamrah

Zoe Imani Sharpe

Michelle Lacombe

Dante Camarda

Amy Wong

Antonia Anna Mappin-Kasirer

Peki Hajdukovic


Stephanie Zeit

Vanessa Brown

Mina Akida

Ingrid Jones

Karie Liao

Camille Rojas

Mona Ali

aliya karmali

William Dao

Uri Livne-Bar

Stan Denniston

Andrew Kesik

Nicole Eun-ju Bell

Jenny Lee

Natty Zavitz

Liana Bdéwi

Catherine Telford Keogh

semillites hernández velasco

Rahaf Fasheh

Louis Esmé

Abigail Estireiro

Karlene Harvey

Shawna Howe

Mandi Howard

Linda Luztono

Robyn Bacon

Lisa Walker

Zaina Nasser

Kristín Morthens

Roxanne Brathwaite

Alexis Kyle Mitchell

Gayle Ye

Yara El Safi

Jinyoung Kim

Julie Moon

Oriana Di Nucci

Erin Logan

Eva Hellreich I

David Hobbs

Gita Hashemi

David Merritt

Sara Ghaben

Sama Nemat Allah

Ava Kibalian

Durae McFarlane

nazli akhtari

Eileanor O’Halloran

Marissa trott

Louise Campion

Erica Wagner

Adrian Deveau

Simon Schlesinger

Yasmeen Nematt Alla

Serena Rahhal

D.J. Sylvis

Editor’s note 5/30/2021 1:45pm EST: This list of signatories has been corrected and updated.

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Walnut Creek student wins Congressional art contest

WALNUT CREEK U.S. Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, D-Walnut Creek, has announced Northgate High School junior Eirene Acosta as the winner of the 2021 Congressional Art Competition for California’s 11th Congressional District for her digital drawing “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.” U.S. Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, D-Walnut Creek, has announced […]

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