Digital Fine Art Movement

Computer generated art is by no means new yet the digital art movement still managed to sneak up on us. It is difficult to pin point when digital fine art began because its very close relatives, graphic design, photography, animation and such, have existed for quite some time. Disciplines like […]

Interview Questions for a Recording Artist

Tips for Interviewing Famous Musicians, Singers and Recording Artists Interviewing famous recording artists, musicians and singers is a task that you can’t take lightly, so if you get the opportunity, you have to know what questions to ask to satisfy your audience. Anyone can interview people, but knowing the right […]

Organic Music

The word “organic” is used quite a bit these days. We hear it in business as organic growth and now we hear it with regard to music recording and podcasting. The term “organic” has come to refer to something that is natural, authentic, and has core value. For example, the […]

Today’s Evolution of Music Media

Through the years, music evolved into generation along with humans. With the advancement of technology, previous music sources become obsolete and replaced with new and improved gadgets. With the desire of creating a new type of music media, many sort into modification of previous devices. This time, music devices are […]

The Benefits of Tourism for Cities

People from all over the world love to travel. Vacations provide many social and psychological benefits to individuals. They offer relaxation in a world full of stress. While vacations benefit travelers, they also benefit the cities that people travel to. The first way cities benefit from tourism is a boosting […]

Finding Art on T-Shirts and Skateboards

This is not where you expect to find great graphic art. But it’s there! And, I think that it’s about time the world discovered Philip McCobb’s fantastic graphic designs, illustrations and art. Even if you have to buy a T-shirt or skateboard to do it. First a little about the […]