Free Real Music Ringtones

Kimberly R. Cammack

Real Music ringtones are ringtones that came from “real” or actual songs. They use original pieces of music along with lyrics, exactly as the original recording. The format is usually MP3, WAV, WMA, etc. This feature and support for real music ringtones is being built into most new models of […]

Dutch Masters of the Golden Age Painting

Kimberly R. Cammack

The New Dutch Republic The Netherlands became a Spanish possession beginning in 1556 when its crown passed to the foreign king Philip II of Spain. William the Silent (24 April 1533 – 10 July 1584) was the Father of the Dutch Republic. He was the main leader of the Dutch […]

Guggi Exhibition at John Rocha in London

Kimberly R. Cammack

Great news for label-lovers, this autumn when you draw near to the Mayfair’s high-fashion centre of Dover Street, don’t forget to visit the high-flying Irish fashion designer John Rocha’s in-style London shop, which will be exhibiting classic work by the cutting-edge Irish artist Guggi along with John’s AW10 collection. This […]

Features of a Dynamic Industry

Kimberly R. Cammack

A dynamic industry is a growing industry. The features of a dynamic industry are indicators that enable us to know that the industry is growing by their mere presence. The Plateau music industry is a paradox as it is young and old at the same time. It is old in […]

The 3 Types of Music Producers

Kimberly R. Cammack

The professional title of producer is one of the most commonly misused titles in the music industry. This article will cover the three different types of music producers as well as the roles they play within the music industry and inside the recording studio. What A Producer Isn’t A producer […]