The 6 Rules Of Commercial Music Success

Over the years I have had many conversations with music artists about commercial music, which usually leads to them disclosing their disdain and hatred of it. Some refer to Pop music (“Pop,” as in what’s popular now) as commercial music. Others think of anything that is receiving heavy rotation on […]

Trending Bride and Groom Wedding Poses of 2023


Wedding photography allows you to express your love and individuality while sharing your story with family, friends, and people you love. While most wedding photos get lost in your phone’s gallery, here are a few timeless wedding pose ideas that will stand out from the rest of the images in […]

Mastering the Art of Composition in Photography


Composition is a crucial aspect of photography that determines the success of a photograph. It refers to the arrangement of elements within a photo to create an aesthetically pleasing and meaningful image. Composition can greatly enhance the impact of a photo, making it more visually appealing and interesting to the […]

The Largest Tax-Free Storage Area in the World

It’s not just money that Swiss banks have been hemorrhaging clients lately. As Swiss and other private banks are increasingly moving asset protection and wealth management functions to Singapore subsidiaries, another interesting news item recently was the opening of Singapore FreePort. Singapore FreePort is a state-of-the-art secure storage facility that […]